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Drooping Daffodil Stems

We have a variety of daffodils in our yard. Most usually bloom, but I’m wondering why some stems hold the flowers up well, while others droop and drag on the ground making it hard to appreciate the flowers. Is it a fertilization problem or something else?  These are mature plants.

Weather can impact cause drooping daffodils.  Late season heavy snow can knock down daffodils that are in full bloom.  As the snow recedes these blooms often do not stand straight and tall.  Floppy plants can also be caused by exceptionally warm temperatures that cause the developing flower stems to stretch and eventually flop under the weight of the flowers.  If you have certain daffodils that always face down it may be a characteristic of this particular daffodil.  A look through catalogues or on-line will reveal many variations of the traditional yellow daffodil. Some of the flowers face out while others have a downward facing trumpet and in others the whole flower faces the ground.  Part of daffodil, also known as Narcissus, lore is based on this trait.  It is said the drooping daffodil symbolizes the Greek youth Narcissus admiring his reflection in a pool of water. 


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