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Tips for Container Gardening Success

Keep containers looking their best with these few techniques.

Use a slow release fertilizer like Milorganite. These fertilizers release small amounts of nutrients over time. You’ll eliminate the time spent mixing and applying fertilizer each week. Plus, the gradual release of nutrients promotes slow steady growth that is more drought tolerant and less susceptible to insects and diseases.

Check soil moisture in pots daily and water thoroughly as needed.  Use container drip irrigation set ups and timers to automate this task. Just check to make sure wind and animals have not knocked the emitters out of the pot.

Or try a low tech option like plant nannies.  This hollow terra cotta spike uses colorful wine and soda bottles as water reservoirs. As the soil dries the water in the bottle moves through the terra cotta spike into the dry soil.  Always test the system before leaving town.

A bit more information: Plant nannies and similar watering devices work great on houseplants.  Use them to extend time between watering or keep moisture-loving plants thriving despite a busy schedule.

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