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Grow It, Cook It and Eat Better Together

October is National Eat Together, Eat Better Month. And since our harvest baskets are overflowing and the farmer’s markets are filled with locally grown produce – it’s an easy time to make this happen.

Families that eat together tend to eat more nutritious meals and a wider variety of foods.  Shared meals also provide an ideal time to socialize, exchange ideas and learn healthy eating habits from each other.

Start with a trip to the garden and get everyone involved in the harvest. Supplement your own garden-fresh produce with a trip to the farmer’s market. While there, consider purchasing some new-to-you fruit and vegetables for your family to try.

Then search the internet and your recipe books for tasty ways to include these fruits and vegetables in your meal.  Get everyone involved in the process.  Those reluctant veggie eaters in the group may be a bit more adventuresome if they have helped select the ingredients and recipes for the meal.

A bit more information
Washington State University’s Nutrition Program has lots of easy and thrifty family recipes, kid-friendly snacks and meals and other ideas to help you and your family eat better.


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August 1-11, 2024
Wisconsin State Fair

West Allis, WI

August 1, 2024
Ladies Night Out

at Ebert's Greenhouse Village
Ixonia, WI


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