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Winter Care for Houseplants

As you begin to clear away the holiday decorations you can refocus your attention on your indoor plants.  Improve your houseplants’ health and beauty with a little special winter care. 

Start by moving your plants to the sunniest available window.  The shorter often grayer days of winter mean less light reaches our plants.  Consider supplementing natural light with artificial light.  Check out the newer styles that clip onto pots or can be mounted on the wall making them attractive and easier to use.

Group plants together to increase humidity.  As one plant loses moisture the others will benefit.  And add a gravel tray for additional humidity.  Fill the tray or saucer with pebbles and water. Then set the plant on the pebbles elevated above the water.  As the water evaporates it increases humidity around the plant.

Adjust your watering schedule to fit the conditions in your home.  Always water thoroughly but only as needed.  And wait for signs of new growth in spring before you begin fertilizing.

A bit more information:  Never trap houseplants between the curtain and window.  The temperature can be significantly colder resulting in injury and even death of some plants. Place plants on a table near the window or windowsill extension, leaving room to close the window coverings.

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